Moody's Talks - Muniland

US states positioned to ward off effects of a recession

Episode Summary

With flush rainy day funds and flexibility to cut costs, states are poised to avoid credit stress if a severe economic tailspin or even a recession takes hold. Plus, housing finance agencies’ credit quality remains strong, but the HFAs face challenges in the current economic environment.

Episode Notes

With flush rainy day funds and flexibility to cut costs, states are poised to avoid credit stress if a severe economic tailspin or even a recession takes hold. Plus, housing finance agencies’ credit quality remains strong, but the HFAs face challenges in the current economic environment.

Guests: Sunny Zhu, Assistant Vice President-Analyst, Moody’s Investors Service; Pisei Chea, Vice President-Senior Analyst, Moody’s Investors Service; Rachael McDonald, Associate Managing Director, Moody’s Investors Service; Omar Ouzidane, Vice President-Senior Analyst, Moody’s Investors Service

Host: Nick Samuels – Senior Vice President, Moody’s Investors Service

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