Inflation stands to increase personnel costs and budget stress for states and municipalities, in part because of competition from the higher-paying public sector. Plus, peak hurricane season arrives amid the elevated inflation, driving up rebuilding costs for governments along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts if they’re hit by a major storm.
Inflation stands to increase personnel costs and budget stress for states and municipalities, in part because of competition from the higher-paying public sector. Plus, peak hurricane season arrives amid the elevated inflation, driving up rebuilding costs for governments along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts if they’re hit by a major storm.
Guests: Dan Kowalski, Analyst – Moody’s Investors Service; Thomas Aaron, Vice President – Senior Credit Officer, Moody’s Investors Service; Emily Raimes – Senior Vice President, Moody’s Investors Service
Host: Nick Samuels – Senior Vice President, Moody’s Investors Service
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