Moody's Talks - Muniland

Inflation set to drive up state and local government costs for labor, hurricane recovery

Episode Summary

Inflation stands to increase personnel costs and budget stress for states and municipalities, in part because of competition from the higher-paying public sector. Plus, peak hurricane season arrives amid the elevated inflation, driving up rebuilding costs for governments along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts if they’re hit by a major storm.

Episode Notes

Inflation stands to increase personnel costs and budget stress for states and municipalities, in part because of competition from the higher-paying public sector. Plus, peak hurricane season arrives amid the elevated inflation, driving up rebuilding costs for governments along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts if they’re hit by a major storm.

Guests: Dan Kowalski, Analyst – Moody’s Investors Service; Thomas Aaron, Vice President – Senior Credit Officer, Moody’s Investors Service; Emily Raimes – Senior Vice President, Moody’s Investors Service

Host: Nick Samuels – Senior Vice President, Moody’s Investors Service

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